Firefighter Training

Firefighter Training

Fire Prevention and Control Training
Office of Fire Prevention and Control
Training and Education

The New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC) strives to be a national recognized leader in fire services, delivering the highest quality, state of the art, and most comprehensive training, response, and technical assistance programs and services to emergency responders, local entities, and the citizens of New York State.

Training Programs Residential & Outreach

Course Information
Learning Management System (LMS)

This website will give you access to the current available trainings and enable authorized users to register for courses administered by NYS DHSES.

Academy Training Calendar

The calendar of events offered at the New York State Academy of Fire Science.

National & State
Find information and resources on National and New York State Certifications offered by the OFPC.
Dynamic First Responder Training
Swift Water and Flood Training (SWFT)
The SWFT facility, located at the NYS State Preparedness Training Center, (SPTC) provides a unique training environment for swift water and flood rescue training. The facility includes a swift water channel, a vehicle in water rescue prop, an urban flood simulator and a rope rescue training tower. Training is open to all first responders and specific course offerings for technical rescue teams or regional partnerships are also available.
Partnering in Fire Service Education
Advanced Education in Fire Science Programs
Degrees at a Distance

Empire State College's Center for Distance Learning is one of seven colleges across the country offering the Degrees at a Distance Program the National Fire Academy in a fully on-line environment. 

NYS Colleges with Fire Programs

Find a directory with contact information for New York State Colleges offering Associate (2-year) Degree/Certificates, as well as Bachelors and Masters Degrees.

Degree Credit for OFPC Courses

Select SUNY colleges may award credit for NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control courses. Get more information on participating colleges, course eligibility, procedures and requirements.

OFPC Training & Education
Contact Information